Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mohd Syazmin Firdaus.
hes such a unique person. theres sumthin in him dat makes him so special. sronok hidup nan dew.. betul... ta tipu..! hes a football player wearing jersey 13. suke tgk dye beraksi. laju.gagah. just like a thunder.. kedebabooom!! romantic? duh.. jaoh pinggang dari pankreas uke. :) ahha~ tp,seswai pn nan aq.. mane ta nye, dua2 sportsmen.. kire cinta atlet aa ne. gengster sket..hooo~ (statement bongok). but not ol da tima lah ktorg gengster2.. ehhheee~ dye kate aq fighter. aq kate dye gile. keje dye mengarut.. aq denga je.. gelak2 skit.. :D dlu aq kate dye heartless. tp ta pn sbnanye.. oih~ manje ape dak ne.. huu~ tp, nan aq je la kot... wajib pn manje2 nan aq jea... heh~ brani aaa manje2 nan org len.. aq sepak 'org len' tu smpai tcabot kaki dye... i ta sepak u. ngan u, i syg2 je lah! huuu~ the reason why i love him is bcuz he love me with all his heart. hes loyal, trusted, honest, neva break his promises pluss dye sgt pndai layan kerenah aq yg ngok ngek ne.. bagus en.! :D i love u lah sayang.. i love u sooo much tau ta... u i love. i love u. love i u. love u i. aaa..wannie bodo~ :D

ey lev lwek swe mek =D


  1. lol
    penakot ea..
    ta berani sepak acam kalo acam manje2 ngan org len
    acam manje2 ngn aku oke ja

  2. kalau qo ta tuka gender... aq mara laa.. i noe my bf isnt a gay neither bi.. kn sayang.. :D
