Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

kemissan =D

kemissan bermaksud kerinduan.
rindu kt blog aq yg berbintik2 ne :D
lame ta jengok dye.... hey cik eton.. apa kaba qmu..?
miss u taw.. kanga na cite kt cik eton.. manyyyak~
tp sbnanye manyak da lupe..
yg ingat...cume...

. 25 jun 2009
. 26 jun 2009
. 27 jun 2009
. 28 jun 2009

25 jun 2009
acam macam comel gile mlm ne.pkai topi, rmbut messy2. dye ajak dating. "jom dating jom" dating jaooooh2 pule~ depan umah.. men beskal.. neee~ best2. :D acam si pengayuh yg bersungguh2 mengayuh beskal tersebut. aq pule si pengacau yg duduk atas handle, mengadap beliayau smbil menghadang pemandangan (: sakit montott akibat handle yg keras dan berjalan di atas jalan ta rata xp tp, rase best menguasai rasa sakit. so, aq saket dlm keadaan yg best ! heh~ thanx acam 4 makin me feel best setiyap masaa~ :) abes tu, lepak lua, bwh kemah.. nan d whole family temasok akye. da lewat sgt.. nyamok pn manyak~ masok.tido! abes!!
*hari ne adalah hari best kami !

26 jun 2009
today, i starts da day with a very big smile.. sbb bangun2 tido, tros nmpk muka cintaa! oloh.. dye tidur~ mmwax.. on his 4head :* u r so cute sayang.. dye bangun tidur.. lepak2 lame2.. tetibe angin super kuat. what a very beautiful morning.. cinta ajak main layang2.. (: ta reti men. tp, join juge. this is gona b fun! aye aye..! masing2 smangat! cinta pegi ujung na nekkn lyg2. klw ikot kemahiran aq, aq hanya mmpu melepaskn lyg2 t'sbut jea.. :) 1st time, aq mcm bodo. 1..2..3 lepass!! aq lpskn dgn smgt! n angin yg sgt smangat 2 pn bwk lyg2 aq g ke pokok. sangkott!! alaahaii.. canne bole sangkot ne.. bodo pny wannie. lpskn pn fail. 2nd time da pandai.. lyg2 terbang tinggi. lyg2 mesra alam. dye kawan dgn burung wok wok :D cinta, aq n daia.. sangat happy dat time. mane ta nye.. 1st time men lyg2 btol. dlu pkai surat kaba jea. xp abes tu, lepak.. lunch kt lua.. bwh kemah tu juge~ kerang+ikan sambal+sayo+nasik+air sedap=lazzat! abes mkn, masok. lepak. abes.!
*hari ne juga merupakan hari yg best!!

27 jun 2009
aq da balik uma ibu. pg tu acm ajak g jln. pegi la mid. plan = tgk trnsfomers. smpai2 jea, org brato. ramai. g garden pule. ade teket. tp 5.30.. lmbt pule. mak na pkai keta awal.. ta sempat tgk trnsfomers. jalan pgg tgn.. alamak. tgn bwu ikan.. hahah~ pdn muke acm.. sape soh amek time aq lps makan. ta sempat sabon tgn. (: lapaa~ makann kt the chicken rice shop~ bukan sekadar nasik ayam.. kokokkok! kenyang.. acam blanje (: kaki bergerak suke hati.. topshop.. mng.. zaara.. quicksilver.. tgk jam.. da lmbat.. g basement. masok keta. balik. abes.!
*hari best!! sbb dpt jln ngan cinta 2 org saja.. :)

28 jun 2009
hr ne acam away.. melaka. daia ajak p tgk trnsfomers! malas pule. aq na jmp acam b4 dye g mlk. tp, tade trnsport. luckily akye sgt bek hati. dye singgah umah ibu dlu bru g anta acam stadium. da jmp acam. sonot. trening ta start lg. lepak kfc dlu. sian. lapa dr pg ta mkn. mkn ea syg.. mkn knyang2 taw.. da na kul 4.. abes mkn. acam g tening. aq n akye... balik. da balik tu abes laa..
*best la jmp cinta. na jmp hari2 boleee~ :D

so cik eton.. ne je la cite yg t'tunggak.. nty kite cite2 lg k.. attataa~

.tamat riwayat.

Monday, June 22, 2009

o2 jam =D

dpt gak download game 'o2 jam' ini.
apsal aq bepeloh2 carik website ne ea..?
ooo.. patot aa.. kipas ta bukak.. sengal ubi punye wannie.
cepat aaa abes download...
ta saba rasenye nak men..
lps download, confirm siang malam ngadap game ne jea..

well, fo music lover..
check this game out...
sure best n addicted..
lebih2 to those people yg addict men 'rock fever'.
download aaa.. nnt taya g arcade carik rock fever ag.. :D

* sepatutnye ade video utk korg tgk game ne.. tp, ade prob pule. mslh mereka. so, kepade korg yg ta kenal game o2 jam ne, sile tekan link ne utk tgk...

sudah bersiap sedia utk mengalami kehebatan o2 jam..?? :D

haaa... thanx to me fo introducing u guys bout this game..
tochey... tochey.. <3>


kdg2 tomyam pon bole bwk mati =s

tom yam ooo tom yam..
org buat ko utk makan..
bukan soh makan org tu..
tercekik tom yam panass~
sakit bodo tekak aq..
na mati rasenye..
pedas tol tom yam kite ek daia..
tp sedap jea.. (statement tamaw tunjuk yg kte ta pndai masak) =D

tu je la cite..
na cite psl tesedak tom yam pedas yang panas tp sedap jea..

orait babi.. eh silap... bebeh! :)

.ta alep mim ta.

mulut, otak, fikiran keparat! hunch!!

orang nmpk aq slalu dgn lelaki2. dkelompok laki2. geng laki2. lepak dengan laki2. gurau2 dgn laki. pokoknye dgn lakiiiii je lah sumenye. org slalu tny (terutama kaum hawa) "ko ne da tade kawan pompuan ke hape??" org ckp aq poyo2.. konon2 market.. org ckp aku player, kjup dgn jntn ne..kjup dgn jntn tu.. kjup yg nun dsinun.. (woi..kwn je aa ngok~) org (kaum hawa juga) ckp aq gedik. org (kaum hawa lagih~) ckp aq sombong. org usha slek~. org dengki2. org kutuk2.. org pggil aq babi.. org pggil aq sial. org... org... org... hah~ letey aa dgn org org ne.. aq pelik campo ajaib laaa nape dorg suke sebok hal aq... aq ta pena plak sebok hal dorg. kengkdg ade yg aq ta knal pn, dok sebok hal aq.. adoi.. joyah sport btol aa dorg ne. pelik aq.. keje sambilan ke ape dorg ne.. dpt gaji ke jd bzbodi? huh~ bengong punye mereka. hm.. na wat canne en.. da mulut mereka mulut celaka. otak ta bkmbang. pi minum sustagen ++ lg elok dorg ne. fikiran sempit! adoi.. da memang aq camne... aku mmbsr dgn lelaki. mmg dari kecik aq kwn ngn laki. (ehemm..sbb tu penah mengalami kekeliruan gender 2.. heh~) aq senang dgn laki. laki ta byk kerenah. cool pn cool. bkn na kate prmp ta best. tp, majoriti senstif. taley tgk org lebey. aq bkn tade langsong kawan prmpuan.. ade pe.. ramai gile... baby, era n shida. wey.. ramai aaa tu en..tigaa! lebih dari 1 pe.. ape lah dorg ne. aq pena pe cube mmb ngan prmp jea.. but in the end.. aq tecampak jejaoh.. gedebukk bunyinye.. ouch~ saket ouh. arghh.. bosann!! dorg jeles kot dgn kelebihan yg aq ade. tp, tade aa lebih melampau2. manusia biase gek. bkn et. bkn elf! mummy kate always think +ve. btul juga~ thanx mummy :D well at least im happy with my life now.. dismping rakan taulan ku yg setia.. thanx ayamz fo being such a super best friends to me.. thanx kaer fo being there whenever i need sumone to talk to. thanx era fo understand me. thanx baby fo making my day ceriyaaa~ slalu. u're da gilaness girlfren ive ever had. baby, chmstry kite manyak cuz we were born the same day! (bangga!) :D thanx yg lain2 juga. na sebut nama satu2 mampos.. mati tecekik anak tekak. huu~ but, pepon.... my cinta sangat mmberi saia semangat to live my life.. yeargh.. saia sungguh bersemangat ini.. satu..! dua..! tiga..! lapan..! lapan lagi..~ iyahh iyahh~ :D thanx en. acam.. :) u r my strength. love you damn much!! <3

.world peace, kebabaian.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

10 things i love about you

i absolutely love my boyfriend

1. he dont care taking a whole night to listen to my story even its not a good one
2. he do sengal things that makes me laugh till i haf no idea how to stop
3. his words are sweet but he's not a sweet talker
4. he's not just treat me as a cinta but as a friend, bestfriend, partner and wifey too~ :D
5. he just know how to treat me and make me feel great!
6. his coolness makes me calm
7. he's not a soo romantic person but by the tyme the feel is there, he make me go ullallaa~
8. he dont smoke! thank god cuz i totally hate asaaap~
9. he's cleanliness. he know how to make his space neat and tidy
10. what i love the most is he teach me to love somebody sincerely and being loyal

* p/s : dont change. i love you because you are you!
* thanx mus cuz taught me this word; crapola. peace babe :)



this music video was created by karl hairie my friend. cerita dye cenggini.. sabrina ade kebun bunga. sabrina suka bunga matahari. sabrina ade tunang. nama dye adam. sayang gila vavi punya.! cinta mati!! on a beatiful day, sabrina find out that her fiance is a gay. oww shoot!! unbelievable!! sabrina marah! sabrina bertindak di luar kewarasan! sabrina 'ter'bunuh adam. mayat adam, sabrina tanam buat baja bunga matahari. bunga matahari jadi sangat subur. bagi sabrina, bunga matahari tu adalah adam. sabrina jaga. sabrina belai.. lastly police knows. sabrina get caught! paham ta...?? so now.. i present you.. matahariku~

* jangan endahkan keburukan rupaku di dalam muzik video ini.. slamat menonton.. :D

.sudah sudah sudaaaah.

apa kene mengene MATAHARi dengan hidup aku

matahari memang best. sbb matahari berjasa kat aq. aku suka matahari. banyak kejadian antara aq dengan matahari. aq tatau cemane dengan hidup aq kalau matahari hilang. matahari oh matahari. kau kwn bek aq. ape kene mengena kau dengan aq...?? ne la ne...

. menghangatkn aq bila aku semacam beku
. keringkan pakaian aq yang basah
. mencelikkan mata, bagi aku nampak jalan
. aq akan dongak pandang matahari setiap pagi
. bila pandang, aq bersin
. ada pe'el suka tengok cahaya dye sampai view aku nmpk kelabu
. penah buat satu badan aku becorak sportsbra&shorts akibat sunburn!

tu je yang aq igt.. notty kn matahari sbb buat aq burn cam2.. tapi tape,aq burn sbb slalu training sports. sbb matahari lah aq menang sports game dulu. time kasih matahari. i love you!

.tamat kisah matahari.

Friday, June 19, 2009

what THEY said bout cik MANGGES

saia punya rakan~ mereka adalah best! mereka ngok campo ngek. sengal campo sewel. saia suruh mereka tules-tules pasal cik manggis yang mereka kenal. tules kat dalam buku kecik buatan sinrik. mereka ta tules tapi conteng! sengal betol mereka!! abes buku saia! oih.. tules btol2 la ngok! tempeleng kang. mereka pn mula menules.. erkk.. tules da tules.. tp.... astaga.... mengucap jup tgk tulisan mereka.. apa lah cakar ayam.. mereka melukis juga. mungkin na tunjukkn kemahiran mereka. tp, kemahiran mende. burok je. baik tapaya lukes. kepala da pening! tape lah. bole la.. asal mereka tules. ne la karangan mereka..

en. kaer
u r so manggis
manggis r so u
so u r manggis
manggis so u r
r u so manggis
u r so manggis
so r u manggis
yes u r manggis
the one n only

en. rafique
too wanniey...
the only sun that makes my everyday even clearer. the sun that always makes me hot sumtimes and when the sun is not around it makes my day go dull and dark. you shines brighter when you laugh, always being there for people who's ineed. love you sunny.
.the star.

tak tahu...
manggis la...
a girl kot...

nak cakap pe ar??
xtau r nak cakap pe....
ala malu la....
wei cakap ar pe yg patot aku cakap...??
oo.. pasal manggis ae?
bikin gua ghairah....
harga kat pasar 5.00 sekilo..
the kuntilanak

manggis is shin kung
.shin kung crew.

kan saia suda cakap.. mereka sengal. mengarut sangat pandai. manggis 5.00 lah. a girl lah.shin kung lah.. tapi, saia sayang mereka juga. rakan oh rakan.. kita kwn selagi ta boring taw. bile da boring, kita tapaya kawan lagi. nnt jadi hipokrit.. kawan kawan taleh hipokrit kn3.. :D

* manggis = aqu <3


ma tok oh ma tok

hari ne base2 jea. tade yg best pon.. tp, yg ta best ade..! huh~ sape kene marra nan aya dye tadik... angkat ketiak..! (aku pn angkat ketiak dgn slambe).. adeh~ (sambil tepuk dahi) aq la yg kene mara td.. huh~ aya mara sbb igt aku tido dlm bilik, kunci pintu sdgkn ma tok nan cu ade kt depan. kire cam ta respek dtg dari jaoh. ma tok aaa ckp kt aya aq tido.. pdhl ta pn.. aq on da phone nan en.superman laa.. kjup je kot~ pintu pn ta kunci. aq rapatkn je..ta tutup pn.. ape aaa ma tok ne... ta pasal2 jea.. u ne saje la ma tok.. saje bg i kene mara nan aya en3... notty tau u ne ma tok.. babab maw ka..? ciyan sama aya.. smalam ta sehat.. tp skang da smken baik~ haiiyaow~ sape la yg jage.. bgos btol penjgaan org itu.. (mukaku merah menyerlah..tersipu2 malu dgn statement itu) heheh~ gile bongok puji diri sinrik. uhhh~ ma toook.. ooo ma toook... mane ma tok ne... oh laaa... ma tok da balik ke tanah air ka..?? patut la trase cam best jea.. tade lg org bising2... huhuu~ uupsss.. celaka la mulot kau wannie.. ish... bedosa besaa! neraka neraka..! huu~ ampunkn i ye ma tok.. eleviyu.... :) eleviyu manyak~ ma tok masak sedapp! <3

.abis daaa la..korg tunggu pe lagi?.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

what wud u do if.....

What would you do if?

The President of the United States called you:ill said ''fuck you!! please leave earth. hell is waiting for you!''
You won the lottery:go shoppingggg!! <3
You got invited to be on a reality TV show:melompat lompat lompat!
You caught a friend stealing from you:do something spontanious n i dont haf any idea what that is..
You witnessed a murder:let da police know whos the stupid murderer!
A random stranger offered you candy:leave them n lari laju2 mcm lipas kudung.. ngaa~
MySpace and Facebook closed:mati kebosanan! arghh~
A genie granted you one wish:im asking to get married with my man; mohd syazmin firdaus.tq gennie ;)
You lost your favorite possession:possession tu ape ea..??
You found 10 dollars on the ground:take it and go find cendol! ngee~
Your date throws up on you:.......
Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:cut off his hand! huh~ serve u rite!!
Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:ask for a job n said how i wish i cud be lyke them.. muahaha~
You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:call superman - tolong..tolong.. help me~ im scccraedd~ :s

100 truths about wannie

You must answer all these questions 100% truthfully!

How many siblings do you have?three
How many pets do you have?five. ol of them are my adorable cats
Do you like to draw?not really
Do you like to play video games?nope
Do you go to church?im muslim lah. so i pray at home jea..
Do you play any sports, if so then what?athletics, silat, volley+net+hand ball :D
Do you like to watch sports, or do you find them boring?i dont really watch sports. heheh~
What type of music do you like the best?country
What are your favorite types of movies?horror
What kind of signs do you think you give off when you like somebody?text him lyke often.. heheh~ <3
What kind of signs do you look for when you think someone likes you?suddenly cares bout me :D
Do you watch much TV?nope
Do you play sports much?yup yup yup
Do you play video games much?nope nope nope
Whats the last video game you played?fifa 'sumthin'.. that was about last two years!
Whats the last TV show you watched?ewah ewah (zaman sekolah)
Whats the last thing you drank?mineral water (sea master)
Whats the last thing you ate?mee hoon gerenggg~
Whats the last song you listened to?i'll make love to you - boyz II men
Whats the last song you sang?nobody - wondergirls
Whats the last embarrassing thing you did?i cant clearly remember
Whats the last thing you said to the person you like/love? (in person)"cemane bole demam ne sayang? meh bagi demam sikit kt wannie"
Whats the last thing you said to a member of your family?"gudnite, take care" that was to my elder sister
Whats the last movie you watched?best movie - 17 again. <3
Whats the last thing you wrote down on paper?i dont remember. thats the very very true.. :)
Whats the last thing you said over phone?bye
Whats the last thing cartoon you watched?i watched hagemaru 9 hours ago..kwang3~
Whats something on your to do list?siapkan script..
Whats the most recent thing you regret? (specific)i lied to my mother
What do you think about animes?style
What do you think about rap music?just oke~
What do you think about country music?woww!
What do you think is the most common thing about girls?mengumpat wey!! hahah~
What do you think is the most common thing about boys?cigar!
What do you think about soap operas?naaa~ hate!
What do you think about guys with long hair?cute! :)
What do you think about people who play video games?wasting times..
What do you think about people who play intruments?super duper cool!
What do you think about people who play Dance Dance Revolution?whats that?!#@??
Who was your first crush?ayie
Who was your first love?ayie
Who was your first hug from? (Opposite sex)ayie
Who was your first kiss from? (Opposite sex)faisal
What do you look for in the Opposite sex?true love
Favorite List
Video Game?nada!
Board Game?nada!
Song?dont wanna miss a thing - aerosmith
Band Sport?backstreet boys
Food?pizza **seafood lasagnia super maverlous ukes!!
TV Show?telenovela - rosalinda
Pet?cats of course!
Book?i dont haf one.. heheh~
Girl Celeb?britney spears
Guy Celeb?micheal jackson
Anime?ryoki - hot gimmick
Movie?transformers.harry porter
Fast Food?pizza
5 People You Would Most Like To Meet
#1mohd syazmin firdaus. id lyke to meet him every single day.can i..? hee~
#2the backstreet boys
#3tun dr mahathir
#4shah rukh khan
#5britney spears
List Your Most Memorable Memory
#1eveytime when im with my sayang

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


sekarang waktu petang. petang suam suam. ta gelap ta terang. aq dr td dok teperap kt dlm bilik. men laptop. vaio putih yg suci lagi murni~ online! pkai maxis broben. line power. hsdpa. carik game o2 jam.. na men la kononnye. cube download. lame tunggu. ta dpt pon.. hampeh! mayb sbb ta dpt p'mission drp tuan pny laptop kot.. adoi.. sorry la acam. huu~ tetibe masok sorang perempuan ne ha... na bluetooth v.klip wondergirls. lagu bertajok nobody. arghh~ bosannya... saraa.... jom kluar.. :) sara balas " g pasar malam". "ey.. hari ne ade pasa malam ke?". "a'aa..hari ne hari selasa." waah~ cam best jek bunyi.. aq da tebayang udang lipan.. besa oo.. korang pena makann..? alaaaaa... sara kate rini tade udang... hmmmh.. hampa... krrreeekkk..kruuukk..kroookk~ oih..bunyi pe tu..?? ooo.. bunyik perot aq.. lapa pule.. away~ makann.... ma masak sipot babi masak lemak.. srooott..sroott.. ekk.. bunyi babi ke..? salla.. bunyik sipot disedot.. heee~ k... na terjaah meja makann... taaaatiiituuu :D


5 hot kisses

Have you ever just adored someone so much that he could make your heart race and all you could think about was how it would feel to kiss him that minute? A simple kiss can be fun and innocent while letting your crush know just how much he means to you. And kissing is a powerful way to enjoy an intimate moment—but only if you make it a point not to go further. So grab your lover and experiment with these smooches. He’ll become addicted to your kiss, and that’s hot!

1. getting-to-know-him kiss
When you’re at the beginning of your relationship, less is more! It makes finally having a real make-out session more exciting!

Start with two or three lingering pecks on the lips, then lightly suck in his bottom lip. Let it go and do the same with his top lip. Then go back to the lingering pecks and pull away before it becomes an open-mouth kiss. End with a juicy…smile!

Careful!: Biting his tongue or lip could really hurt and make him want to stop kissing, so don’t even play like that!

2. endless-moment kiss
Once you're officially a couple, tell him you want to try this passionate kiss together. Let him know it's about slowing way down so that you can focus on every one of your senses and tune in to the taste and texture of each other's lips. Sweet!

Caress his cheek with your hands. Rub your face against his. Move very slowly. Kiss his cheek, then bring your mouth to his. Begin to French kiss gently. Don't rush; it should feel like a meditation. Close your eyes, occasionally open them, then close them again. Then let him take the lead; he'll start by caressing your cheek. Pay attention to the moment, and you'll get lost in the closeness between you.

3. bubble-delicious kiss
If he's got a sense of humor and you want to make him laugh, this kiss is perfect. It may sound crazy, but it works!

Before you start kissing, tell him you've got a sweet surprise for him, then put a piece of fruity gum into your mouth. Begin to kiss, and hide the gum in the side of your cheek. Just as he's getting into the kiss, pull back for a second and move the gum onto your tongue, then open his lips with yours and just before it turns into a full-on French kiss, quickly blow a small bubble into his mouth! Pop! Let it burst on his tongue and watch him burst into laughter!

4. free-spirit kiss

This is a very playful but passionate kiss, and really good if you're already feeling super comfortable with your guy (and yourself!) Give him a few soft pecks on the lips, then open your mouth, slightly leading him into a French kiss-but for a twist, twirl your tongue around his. Then pull back and wrap your lips around the tip of his tongue. Suck on it gently and try not to let your lips touch his. Then go back to the tongue-swirling, full-mouth kiss. Careful!: Don't open your mouth too wide and give too much tongue, or you'll slobber all over his face!

5. take my- breath away kiss
This kiss is for people in love! It takes both of you to get it right, so let him know how to do this kiss before you start, and promise him he'll be happy he tried something new! (CG! Tip: Both of you should grab a mint first.) Agree to inhale and exhale at separate times-let him inhale first. Begin to kiss. As he inhales, exhale lightly into his mouth. Then reverse order and let him exhale while you inhale. You're practicing giving and receiving from the heart it's like you're becoming one.